The presentation below provides a boot camp style overview of essential computer science understandings that can be implemented conceptually in K-6 and with competency-based assessment grades 7-12. The presentation provides a simple introduction to the Python programming language with the use of a web based development environment. The presentation reviews the following topics.
Quickly Review The Guiding Principles Of The DLCS Standards
Identify Power Topics & Activities For Competency Based Instruction With CS
Walk Through Hands-On Coding Boot Camp Lessons
Discuss Strategies For Assessing Student Learning With Computer Science
Provide A Groundwork Of Understanding To Review Computer Science Standards Across All Levels
It has been a goal of mine to begin micro-journaling after important conversations and experiences so that I can best process the thoughts and decisions. Today was the first day of some in depth discussions around the development of a required 6th grade STEAM/Computer Science course in a Middle School environment.